Monday, May 21, 2018

A curious case of linguistic “inventions” in journalism

The journalistic gaffe which was the subject of my earlier blog post reminds me of an imaginative word derivation achieved by a novice journalist. With a degree in mass communication from an Australian university, she came to Vijayawada with a lovely lilting accent at the dawn of this century and started working, at my suggestion, as a feature writer for an English language newspaper. Within a month, she did what lily-livered veterans couldn’t do: she introduced quite a lot of new words into the English language using the national newspaper as a medium for the purpose. The paper simply printed whatever she wrote – and she wrote a good deal, unleashing a veritable morphological and syntactical revolution. ‘The feature articles in your paper,’ I said to the bureau chief, ‘are Bold and Beautiful.’

Then one day, my wife asked me, ‘Do you know what “rangy furniture” means?’  I had heard of office furniture, patio furniture, lawn furniture, outdoor furniture, modern furniture, antique furniture, period furniture, and secondhand furniture, but never of rangy furniture.  But I liked that expression.  When I said I liked it, she began to laugh.  Then she showed me a newspaper article.  ‘Your young friend from Australia has written this,’ she said. ‘The house has rangy furniture,’ read a sentence in the article.  What the author meant was that the house had a wide range of furniture. But “a wide range of furniture” would be long-winded and wearisome, so perhaps my young friend added the derivational suffix “y” to “range” and put life into that tame expression. Quite a stroke of genius!

Rangy!  I tried to get my tongue round that interesting word.  It stayed for quite sometime inside the mouth until the tongue unwillingly loosened its grip on it and let it out with a vowel to accompany it.  And when it came out, it sounded nice.  Besides, it was crisp, laconic – and even Delphic! It made me reflect on the author who had taken the idea of compression thus far. I thought she was as inventive as Shakespeare.  And her guiding spirit must be the unforgettable Humpty-Dumpty.  Remember what Humpty-Dumpty said in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: ‘When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.’

Come to think of it, what is wrong with “rangy”? Why shouldn’t it be used to mean having a great range?  When Richard Sullivan could talk about “rangy considerations,” why shouldn't our young newspaper correspondent talk about “rangy furniture”? 'Besides, “rangy” has an illustrious forebear in “hopefully,” another describing word.  Michael Beresford, in his Modern English, points out that “hopefully” was originally used to mean in a hopeful manner. But in the 1960s, when the word began to be used as a disjunct or comment adverb to mean “it is to be hoped” or “I hope,” there was a great outcry against it, first in America, then in Britain.  The protesters pointed out that, in the sentence, ‘Hopefully, the plan will succeed,’ the plan was not full of hope.  But “hopefully” as a comment adverb finally won the battle, as did “thankfully,” “mercifully” and “sadly” earlier.

“Reliable,” a commonly used word now, had had a stormier passage a hundred years before “hopefully” began its journey.  The objection was this: you don't rely something, but rely on it; so don't say reliable but rely-on-able!  Fortunately good sense prevailed soon enough.  Otherwise, we would now be using not only rely-on-able but account-for-able, dispense-with-able, dispose-of-able and a plethora of others.

Will “rangy” in the sense in which our inventive writer used it gain the acceptability that “hopefully” and “reliable” did?  Why not?  If the national newspaper the writer once represented doesn't wince at the word “rangy,” and uses it liberally not only in news stories but in editorials, the word will gain wide currency and become as commonplace as “prepone,” “bio-data,” “reputed” (in the sense of reputable), “good name” and “whybecause.” It may not become part of Queen's English, but it will certainly be part of Rani English. With the emergence of World Englishes, the erstwhile native speakers have lost the exclusive prerogative to control the standardization of the language; they can’t tell us “rangy” is wrong.

Heim, in his book, The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality, says: ‘What is the state of the English language?  No state at all.  It is in process… If languages have states of health, sick or well, then ours is manic.’  Manic indeed!  And rangy!

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